Monday, March 15, 2010
♥ Pure Joy in Acceptance

The entrance exam results were posted just 23 minutes ago, and already a few hundred eager fourteen-year-olds have screamed, shouted, cried, jumped, and sobbed their way about Yaizu Chuo's campus. For 240 of them, their dream has come true getting into this school, for 100 of them, the dismal reality of private school and non-funded schooling is in their future. I have seen both of these reactions as I gazed out the window. I saw the disappointing stare, but it is mostly overshadowed by the pure joy of those accepted into this school. It's not the top school in the area, that honor goes to Fujieda Higashi, but it is just below it, and one that is quite popular to apply to.
My current students are outsides, cheering, honking horns, and shouting congratulations to the newbies, trying to recruit them for their clubs. They're now a part of this school and are being treated as such.
I couldn't stop smiling as I watched my future students cry with happiness, their parents hug them, cheer them on. It's the most emotion I've seen publicly in this country that wasn't drunken, and for that I am very happy for so many of them. I know what it feels like to get that acceptance letter or posting when you had doubts, when it was the one thing you wanted. I remember jumping for joy, smiling like crazy, and sobbing hysterically. I've been there. It's one of the best feelings in the world.
The honkings of bike horns will probably go on for another hour or so. It's such a great sound. I love this sense of joy.
Live it up kiddos. I'll see you in class.
Labels: musings, school, yaizu chuo
12:28 PM