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Friday, July 31, 2009

♥ Greetings from Yaizu!


I just got internet at my school! Finally, oyavei. Least to say this is going to be a giant entry. I've omitted actual names and instead replaced random ones, just for privacy's sake, also for my own amusement.

The apartment is great, and i have an air conditioner which is a godsend. I've been sleeping downstairs on the floor since its just so hot upstairs and the air conditioner is downstairs. Hasn't been too bad, and thankfully jetlag is still with me so I crash around 8 or 9 and wake up at like 5, haha. Tokyo orientation was fun, albeit exhausting, and on the last night our Prefectural Advisors took out all the Americans to an izakaya (sort of like a bar-ish type place where its a flat rate for all you can drink and eat), since we didn't have an embassy night. It was a lot of fun, haha, and part as an apology since there was a mix up about my arrival. So I went to the prefecture meeting in Tokyo and I was listed under Group B for some reason. Y-Sensei made a few frantic calls and my principal (kocho-sensei) said it was fine for me to arrive. They thought I was coming in August, eek. None of us know what happened, it was probably the smallest of errors, but it caused a lot of commotion. Anywho, the izakaya was fun and I tried some random ass food... like jellyfish (which is good, though oddly crunchy at some parts and doesn't have that much flavor, and fried chicken cartilage... which was quite good. Also, Bri Bri forgive me, I ate edamame (soybeans). They're rather tasty. Think of them as peapods but a lot plumber and with a firmer texture.) Anywho, back to the mix-up... it's all alright though, all my utilities are working and I haven't burned the place down yet (I have a gas stove). My first rent payment was all of $15 for three days, haha, and it turns out they lowered it, so I only pay $153 or so a month. WOOHOO! Even better. That was a fun contract to sign, haha.

So one of the teachers picked me up at kencho (BOE pretty much), Coldplay-sensei, and he drove me to Yaizu... we chatted about Coldplay and history. Haha. He brought me to the school where my he introduced me to the principal (haha lots of bowing here and my broken sputtered Japanese). He asked me a few random questions, like where I was from and if I played sports... in my intro I said I like photography but I must have said it wrong since they kept going on about me liking to swim... which is true granted (haha). There's a pool at the school but only students can use it, so they lamented this fact. After that I was introduced to the office (nicest ladies ever) and then brought up to the quite empty staff room (summer holidays and all) where I met my supervisor Smiley-sensei. He introduced me to some of the teachers there, including my quick favorites Blueberry-sensei (rather older gentleman who has traveled a lot and loves to talk... I mean... loves to talk) and Candy-sensei (adorable little Japanese lady right out of college). After that we headed to my apartment where Smiley-sensei and the office ladies showed me how to use everything (which is useful since its all in kanji). Then he took me grocery shopping for dinner where I got some sort of curry udon noodle soup, bananas, grapes, and some sort of iced green tea that tastes like dirt. First day over! Whooot!

Second day I had to report to school for 8:15... which was fine since I woke up at 4:30... haha. I played around with the TV for a bit (there are only 15 channels) and checked the apartment for bugs (so far so good). After worrying too much about what I was going to wear (Smiley-sensei laughed at me for wearing a suit when meeting everyone that first day, haha) I ate a banana and walked to my school (around 10-15 minutes) without getting lost! Haha this is where the stares started. Everyone driving in their cars or students riding their bicycles just turned and stared, haha, the gaijin (foreigner) is in the hooooouse. When I got to school I nervously said good morning (ohayou gozaimasu) to those I saw and attempted to introduce myself before Smiley-sensei saved me and did it for me. Haha. I met the vice principals (more important than the principal really...)  (HAHAHA okay, Smiley-sensei just stopped by to make sure everything was alright with the computer and he was very excited about my wireless mouse so he started playing with it, lol... and then he said I should get a mousepad because the desk isn't smooth... XD... ah the little things amuse me. He says my computer is very kawaii... aka cute.) Ok... where was I.... errr yes, kyoto-senseis... aka vice principals. Met them, blundered horribly in my Japanese, and then was showed the little staff resting area. This is when Blueberry-sensei comes over and hands me a little box of blueberries from his garden as a present to me. Ahhhh, so sweet! Okay so I went through the previous ALTs files and such, read over some books, and practiced a little Japanese (which I promptly forgot today) when Candy-sensei asked if I had lunch yet. I said I hadn't and wasn't sure where to get it, so she showed me where the vending machines in the school were and brought me to the combini (7/11) across the street where I got some sort of chicken sandwich and a radish salad. There were some students there so she made them say hello to me in English, haha. They're so adorable and shy, haha. When we left I saw two of the girls pulling their hair a bit and smiling while looking at me. The hair has made me an instant celebrity. Everyone keeps talks about it.

So I ate, and it was tasty, when I was talking to another Japanese teacher and asked if they knew where the 100 Yen shop was. They did, but didn't know how to explain it to me how to get there, only that I should bike, that I should not walk there because it was too far, haha. Now they asked another teacher, who then asks another. I go down with one to find a map of Yaizu to the office... we come upstairs where around five teachers and I are trying to figure out how to not only read the map but how to map out a route, hahaha. Oh my god it was so freaking funny. They're asking others in Japanese, they're all speaking in English to me, haha. Eventually one, Stiletto-sensei (rather modern woman who likes very high heels) said she would drive me because she felt like it, haha, so we went to her car (it was a little red sports car) and drove to the shop (WHICH IS FREAKING HUGE... and very pink) and we both did a bit of shopping, haha. I got pancake mix (I was SO excited) and ramen for food, and hangers and towels and little things. We made sure I knew how to get there and then went back to the school. Like an hour later Blueberry-sensei took me to the city office to get my Gaijin Card aka my alien registration. He had to go grab something, so I was left with the lady who didn't speak English as we tried to figure out what to do, haha. We laughed a lot and eventually we figured out I had to bring a paper to her after August 21st to get my card, woohoo! Blueberry-sensei then took me to the ports because he wanted to show me the deep water center... basically in yaizu and in Suruga Bay there are three different types of deep sea water, and they have it there for you to drink. THere's also a little aquarium there, so we went in and I saw the fucking BIGGEST crab I have ever seen in my life. I swear it was like three times the size of Scottie. I screamed when I saw it and Blueberry-sensei just laaaaughed, haha, and then taught me about it. I taught him the word for pinchers, lol, and we watched a little movie they had and he translated for me. After that we saw a rather large and goofy looking albino turtle and tasted some of the water, which was insanely cold but quite tasty. He showed me where the AQUAS center is (where I can actually swim) and the other high school, before bringing me back to school around 5ish... Chatted with a few teachers before I left about which bank I should get and around halfway home one of the English teachers (Quaf-sensei (large hair)) picked me up and drove me to where the bank was, and then to my apartment... or rather h overshot my apartment and I walked to it, haha. He had a tv in his car. Jesus. So that night I made some noodles and watched this weird game show where they had to guess weird house hold remedies for things. I crashed at 8 and woke up at 4 today, though I forced myself to sleep until like 5:45.

 I got a tour of the school today by Smiley-sensei and I'm about to head out for lunch, for I am hungry. I wonder what 7/11 shall bring today... I got to talk to a student today who studied in Texas, her English was practically perfect and she had no accent... I think her name was Asoko? But I shall call her Eigo-San (Eigo meaning English in Japanese), for now. Craziness.

Ahhh I miss you all so much! Come to Japan! We have cicadas as big as your face! (ok, not that big, more like your hand…)

3:12 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

♥ さよなら あめりか

I apologize for not writing anything in the past two weeks. Least to say it's been hectic and I'm just trying to get everything settled and situated. I'm 98% packed, just need the computer packed up and need to weigh the bags to make sure they're within limits. For some reason my Tokyo bag is so much heavier than my spare bag even though less is packed in it. Damn you physics. I hate chu. Anywho, I know hiragana now!! Whoooot! Still getting those last 30 or so gojuon, dakuten and handakuten, and yoon symbols straight away. Once I'm really gung-ho on that it is katakana study, then I can actually start really learning the language. Whooot. Always exciting. I'm not very good at language so at the moment I am so happy I'm actually grasping some stuff. あか わいん を ください! (aka wain wo kudasai/ I would like a red wine please) No kidding wine would be good right now T__T.

Ugggh, see, I'm tired, but I don't want to go to bed... going to bed means this is all really happening. I am excited, don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled, but I always have a nice suffocating feeling before I embark on these trips. It's just nerves, and as I said before, a healthy dose of fucking terrified is always good for the soul. I've never been to Asia before, so that's awesome, but I suppose I was used to being able to blend in if I wanted to. In London I actually got a bit of an accent so by the end I was being approached by tourists, giving them directions, talking with them, gushing about London. In Israel my hair made me look like a local, everyone was talking in Hebrew to me when I wasn't with our stupid group being lead around like pack mules... I suppose that's why I liked just running off from the group with my fellow heathens and rebels, haha, mainly the Lyco crew, and just exploring on our own. I love being immersed in a culture, experiencing it and discovering it for myself. I loved being able to assimilate, and I guess I'm just seeing that as not being a possibility in Japan. Main reason is obviously appearance, haha. Also there is just such an entrenched tradition in Japan that no matter how much reading I do, I will never be able to fully understand. That really intrigues me, and of all the things, I think it bothers me the least. Hopefully I can just make friends who will like gushing about their tradition. We don't have that in America... yeah we have 4th of July and Thanksgiving... oh boy we blow up things and eat a fuckton. The reason I love history so much is because i love learning how things became what they are today, what made humans act the way they did, why the world is how it is today. Sure I go all the way back to medieval, but that was the basis of civilization in my opinion. Things started changing, Europe was being formed and thus the world was being opened (albeit not necessarily willingly). Japan, and Asia in general, has such a rich history and culture, I'm so jealous of it. They have a lot they take pride in.

Okay... well... that tangent is done, haha. If any of you are interested in Yaizu and where I'm living, my pred made me a fabulous interactive map that you can play with HERE!!! . ALT Apartment is my apartment... which reminds me! If you want to send me letters/goldfish crackers/money you can reach me at the following address!

マネンテ クリスチーナ
1169-D Kohiji

マネンテ クリスチーナ is my name in Japanese (Manente Kristina aka Manesote Kurisuchina ... at least I think that is how it is pronounced... I don't know katakana yet so I was just looking it up... eep... help?)

So yeah, I head to NYC tomorrow, swinging by Philly to pick up the fabulous Jamie and then we head to Jamaica, NY... aka JFK to camp out for two days at a hotel and go to the NY pre-departure orientation and Ambassador's Dinner... ooh la la, haha, yay free dinner.

I should have internet at the hotel, but come Saturday who knows the next time I will get to be on. There's internet in Tokyo, but I don't know how much of a chance I'm going to have to hang out with it, lots to do... not to mention I'll be in freaking Tokyo and I will not be at my computer.

So, until then... じゃね!

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2:32 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

♥ Hiragana

I'm slowly making progress in my Hiragana study, but dear Jesus it can get confusing. I'm more than half way through all the symbols, so mainly for my own progress, and because they look cool, I'm posting the ones I know here!

あ え い お う ん
よ や ゆ
ら ろ る り れ

ま も む み め
き け く こ か

It doesn't look like that much does it? T__T oh well. Here's the translations of the symbols anywho...

a e i o u n/m
yo ya yu
ra ro ru ri re
ma mo mu mi me
ki ke ku ko ka

Agh I suck. I mean I know how to order food and drinks, I was introduce myself very generally... I know how to count, the months, the days of the week... and some random other things, but that's it. Kerplunk. At least I'll know hiragana before I go so I can at least read/write some things... I just may not know what I'm reading/writing haha. Oh well.

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4:47 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009

♥ As We Get Closer

I believe I am still under the impression I'm just going on a trip, and not actually moving away. I don't think it has to do with any reservations about moving, its just I've never particularly done it before. That is more of an unknown for me. I've lived abroad before for an extended period of time, but I always knew when I was coming back, there was a set date. In London I was there to accomplish a semester, in Israel I knew down to the hour because well, while it was a great experience, I was ready to leave.... haha ok, I was really ready to leave. Too hot, too much religion.

With Japan it is an open book. I love this, but I also fear it. Those who say there is nothing to be afraid about, and I have no reason to have any fear do not understand a fundamental belief I have. I think fear is good. It means, for better or for worse, you understand that you've about to embark on something special, something different. A healthy dose of fucking terrified is good to humble anyone. We all need a shot of humility once in awhile, and what better way to receive it then with a pungent and impassioned slap of sushi in your face?

I know I will just be fine, I just haven't been able to wrap my head around it because no one has really been talking extensivly about it. Sure a mention here or there, but I've mainly just been keeping it all to myself. This makes sense tough as its my journey, so I'm not upset necessarily, just trying to figure things out and maybe being a bit sluggish about it. Oh well, it'll all get done and life shall go on. Journies are meant to be a bit haphazard, if you're too prepared it takes the joy of exploration and experience.


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11:17 AM

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

♥ The apartment pictures

I promise a legit entry soon, I've just been so busy trying to get everything together that I haven't had the time to just sit down and blabber about everything. On the plus side, this means I've gotten most of the "freak out" out of my system, so you don't have to listen to me whine. Anywho, I will be doing a video soon too... well a few, since I have a lot to catch up on. However I will take this chance to plug a fellow NYC JETs vlog, the lovely Alexis.

In this video she's talking about all the paperwork and such we got. It's pretty much the same, though I didn't get a contract... I assume thye just trust me? Haha.

Anywho, that is not why you're here, you are here to see pictures of my apartment in Nishi Yaizu! (aka West Yaizu... basically Yaizu...) Here I present my adorable Japanese apartment (which is quite large) plus the lovely red bike that shall be mine as well... once I get over my fear of riding said bike. Click on the picture to see a bigger version.

The outside and entrance (I forget the actual name at the moment *shame*) to my apartment. The shoes and bits and pieces you see are my predecessor's naturally. As you see I have two floors, and for Japan that's rather rare, especially for a single occupant apartment. You always point your shoes towards the outside after you take them off.

My kitchen and living room (which is longer and has a TV and such at the other end). I enjoy that couch... a lot... I look forward to that couch. The kitchen is rather typical of Japan, if not a bit bigger. I love cooking Asian food, even if I'm not the best at it, so I hope I can actually sharpen my skills over there and be a fabtastic Asian chef by the ime I get back, whenever that may be. Haha. Here's hoping. The odd flooring you see, if you don't already know, is tatami. Tatamis are rice straw mats that are traditionally used in Japanese homes not only as flooring but as a system of measurement. We may use square footage, but they use tatami... so you could have a four and a half tatami room instead of a fifty square foot room. These obviously aren't equivalent, but you get what I mean. You are supposed to walk barefoot or socks only on tatamis... no slippers or shoes of any kind.

Ah the bathroom. Yes, I have a western toliet... thank god. Most people do nowadays. You can obviously see some differences. For instance, the shower and tub are seperate and you're not supposed to actually bathe in the tub, though since its your home you can. Just make sure Japanese Big Brother is not watching you desecrate their tradition. You're supposed to shower outside of the tub (see the drain in the floor?) and be comptlely clean, and then just soak in the tub. You may notice how it's deeper than ours and not as long. I think this tub is slightly more western, but I can't tell from the picture. Toliet is just eco friendly, makes me giggle...  in a good way.

The bedrooms! I shockingly have an actual bed! I was prepared to futon it out and sleep on the floor, but hey, there's a bed, I will use the bed haha. I hve a small balcony off of my bedroom where I can do laundry at look at the city scape, haha. The second room iiiiis... well it's the second bedroom of which I have no idea what I'm going to do with. It'll be the guest room when people come to visit naturally, but in the meantime I'm contemplating all sorts of uses for it. Perhaps I shall line the walls with velcro and jump around.

And that is my apartment! Wheee! Exciting no?

I promise to put more stuff up soon!!

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12:53 PM

♥ Kristina

      The Curls. The girl. The Nippon.

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      22 yrs old
      ALT for Yaizu Chuo HS
      Has really curly hair
      These are my musings

      This blog is rated PG-13 for language, occasional violence, crude humor, and lack of pie.

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